Friday, June 8, 2012

Updated Vision/Purpose....

From 2001: "Ephesians 6:19-20. I will preach the Gospel wherever God sends me, speaking the Truth with boldness in the city...I will mobilize believers to the mission field, equipping them with a burden for the world. I will reach out to the youth of America and abroad, tearing down the idols of the world from their lives. I will live a selfless life, making the decision to take up my cross daily to follow Jesus. I will be obedient to follow the will of God for my life by taking risks and walking in faith, according to the Spirit of God...and I will know the will of God through a personal and intimate relationship with Him. I will give my gifts and my life away for the sake of the Gospel so that the name of Jesus shall be exalted among the nations."

When I was 19 years old, I wrote this as my "Vision" or "Purpose Statement" at the end of a 3-day fast from food and talking. I'm not a Christian anymore, but it still resonates in my heart. I'd like to modify it a bit to reflect the 11 years of growth and change since:

"I will act in Love wherever I go, speaking Truth with boldness in the city...I will mobilize others to fulfill their Dreams, equipping them with a Love for Life. I will reach out to all people in my sphere of influence and live a selfless life, making the decision to have Compassion on myself and others; to Love myself and others. I will be obedient to follow the path of destiny for my life by taking risks and walking in faith; in accordance with my own desires, passions, life goals, values, and Dreams. I will know my path through a personal and intimate practice that fulfills and satisfies me. I will offer my gifts to the Universe so that Love and Peace shall be exalted among the nations."

that's better :)

as i step out into uncharted territory, i cling to what i know is true.
the language changes, but the truth remains; in some ways it is strengthened by the metamorphosis...hardy from years of tests and trials.

Do you have a vision/purpose statement for your life? > If not, don't wait - jot some dreams down today!<
When was the last time you updated your vision/purpose statement?
Has your language changed since you first put it to paper?
How? What have you learned?

Monday, June 4, 2012

seeking truth

when something is true, it's true whether you like it or not.
it's true when the going gets tough.
it's true in the height of your realization of truthfulness
and in the depths of your doubts.

truth is something that you circle back around to
after exploring the multitudes of mis-truths, half-
truths, and outright lies...and everything in between.

truth is usually the option that's not given as an option.
much like election season, we are forced into choosing
the lesser of two evils; choose the truth that hurts less.
but the truth of the matter is that we have far more
options than the ones given and apparent.

in truth-seeking, have you found ways to sift out
lies and expedite the process? what techniques
do you rely on when gauging truthfulness in
self and in situations with others? what parts of the
body are engaged in dealing with matters of truth?

i find that sleeping on a matter helps me sort out
facts from truths. since they're not the same thing and
so much of both rely on perspective, it helps to bring
my thoughts to the table of my sub-conscious for
assessment. meditation also works, especially if you
require quick results. ask a spirit guide for help or use
a physical symbol such as a stone or favorite desk toy
to bring your focus and awareness to the matter at hand.

by tuning into the truth of all things, we begin to realize
the connectedness of every thing in existence. hopefully
this leads us to greater compassion for self and others and
ultimately, the manifestation of the truest truth; which is love.