Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Time Change

There are valleys and then there's the Infinite Abyss. Kinda like the sky's the limit but with less shoot for the stars. I have seen dark days. Lonely days. Hazy daze. I have scaled Peaks real and imagined, I have seen towers crumble and rise. In the smokey, chalky, mi(d)st of it all it feels eternal. And instantaneous. Because it is at the peak that the trajectory changes. Plateau or descend, change is inevitable. It is the change that provides the perspective. Time measures change and as time passes (as things change) so does perspective. Leaves are not always brown. Trees are not always bare. Blossoms do not always bloom. Fruit does not always fall ripe to the earth. Seasons are the reasons for the Jesus.

Speaking of Blood Sacrifices….I've been loving my period increasingly over the years; beginning with a powerful conversation I had more than a decade ago with a dear friend. I'm encouraged by the stories of women in my world using my favorite period mantra, "I'm the Motherfucking Queen" during their periods or in moments of victory, triumph, power. 

Despite how incredibly inconvenient periods are; what with all the Jekyll & Hyde hormone shifts, inexplicable sensitivity to sound, people, looks, light, strangers, food, time, space, energy, any and all nouns, verbs, adjectives, and contractions, and especially dark matter all while attempting to mitigate feelings that are identical to that one scene in that one film except with uterine lining falling out of our vaginas and a piece of cotton as our only defense - where the fuck was I? Oh yes, despite being incredibly inconvenient, the period is a bloody riot when it comes to unseen power. I am the Motherfucking Queen. I rule and reign over my Queendom, tending to the Queen's Motherfucking Business. I See All And Know All. I summon you and you appear. I command my Reality. I foresee my day, my week. Your day, your week. It's all the same anyway. And I know this because I Am the Motherfucking Queen.

I shit and piss and bleed. All at once. And I'm still the Motherfucking Queen.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

"Letting Go" or "Transitions Will Kill You If You Don't Learn to Like Them More"

"Letting go is like.....the hardest thing ever....until you let go. Then you realize that hanging on was the hardest thing ever and really, it was the transition that you feared most."

From sleep to awake
Vacation back to work
Season changes
Moon phases
Cradle to Grave
And Churning

All transitions.
All change.
All discomfort and not knowing and newness and unfamiliar stuff happening.

Change is inevitable.
We invented time to measure change.
Change is more real than time.

With each breath, each passing day, change is ever upon us; on the horizon, down the street, in front of your eyes and you are it. Because you change. All day everyday. Change comes from within. Change your mind. Change your perspective. Change your definition of success. Change your furniture. Change the song that's playing. Even that millisecond of silence between songs offers endless possibilities : a shitty song comes on, a great song comes on, battery dies - no music, app closes unexpectedly....and that's just in the silence between songs. 

Let go of your expectation for change to be predictable.

It is the essence of change - of transition - that forces us into Faith, Trust, Hope, and Acceptance of what has been, what is, and what is yet to be.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

FUCK - or - Time passes without permission

It's been so long.

There's plenty about which to write.
Tons of ideas spewing out of every orifice.
They make messes, but no sense.

Not yet.
But here is something.
Even if it is just a little thing.


It's the little things...

that make the biggest difference.

Like the way a spark burns to flame
when it catches its breath.

Stand by.....what you seek is well worth the wait.

Monday, February 24, 2014


it's tough to follow up on a post that outlines all the answers in life.

But like, if you can find any answer that doesn't boil down to the breath of life and death, please enlighten me with your question. i'm extremely interested.

but beyond that. or within that…within the B-R-E-A-T-H we've got it all: be, eat, art, earth, heart, beat. 

these are the PRACTICES of moving through our days and nights.

what makes us tick? 
what grounding practices bring us closer to earth? ...closer to self?
what satiates hunger?
what makes your heart beat faster? 
what calms your racing heart? 
what harmonizes the inevitable ebb and flow?

I suggest starting with the cliché as one's jump-off. Tried and true cultural proverbs accelerate the learning curve when applied to the lesson. In this case:

"Practice makes perfect."

Practicing the art of the breath. The art of food. The art of dance. The art of matters of the heart. The art of being a part of a community here on earth. The art of art - of creation and destruction…of inspiration and expiration. And still we are not beyond the breath…but knee deep in a practice of life and living.

My art is interacting with people. It's magic. It's more than magic. It's inspiration plus practice.
Whether it be from behind the bar of your favorite substance, or in every day conversation, or in the throes of a ritual. These are the practices that take up my days and nights. They pay my bills. Feed my face. Make my heart skip a beat. Inspire me to keep doing what I do until I finally expire.


What are your practices? (Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Annual?) 
If "power increases with sensory attention," what do you do to increase the power in your practices? What practices do you do to which you give too much or not enough power?