Monday, May 28, 2012

facing fears through acupuncture

once during acupuncture i was not quite halfway through my session and i was starting to become fidgety and irritated. i took a few deep breaths, entered my dream body and swam to my Garden (the place in my subconscious where i go for healing, adventure, wisdom, understanding, answers, and also the place where i meet my Wise Counsel and where i enter and exit the Upper and Lower Worlds). I entered my Garden and was immediately drawn to the whirlpool of black snakes that has been there since i began my journeys within. despite my usual petrifying fear of snakes, i dove into the whirlpool and allowed the snakes to engulf me. i died a thousand deaths as the snakes covered me and i reappeared to be covered over again. i saw a snake eat me whole, shit me out and eat me whole again, repeatedly. at one point, i realized what i was imagining and just to test my fears i allowed a large snake to wrap around my neck and kill me. this happened a dozen or so times. i went back in time to particular memories of encounters with snakes and i readjusted my perceptions - i changed the dream. i felt that i had encountered the very ancient practice of acupuncture. suddenly i felt a pain in my hip. i looked down as a snake sank its fangs into my left hip, sucking the pain/negativity from my hip and shitting it out of his body in the form of rusted nails and screws. the session came to an end and i re-entered my physical body. i had a ton of energy that night and woke up early the next day still feeling refreshed. such a powerful experience!

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