1. All the answers are found within.
2. One can heal one's self of any dis-ease.
3. We are all psychic.
Let's discuss number three....
The word, "psychic" conjures up in us images of old women dressed up in gypsy garb smoking cigarettes with long, bedazzled fingernails staring into crystal balls. Or the sight of little white houses glowing their neon brilliance sprinkled along Venice Boulevard, each one promising to know something about you that you don't already know...and tell you all about that preciously unknown future of yours.
That's not what i'm talking about.
I'm talking about when you know that the phone's about to ring.
And you know who it is, and why they're calling.
When you know something's amiss.
Déjà vus and flash-forwards.
The instinct of your gut.
Dreams that come true.
All of these little seemingly insignificant *tings* going off in your atmosphere are your psychic cords vibrating from the energy to which it is connected. Is it that you can sense when your mom is about to call you, or does your mom call you because you thought of her first? It works both ways.
There's also the statistics side...if your mom hasn't called you in a while, the chances of her calling at anytime increase exponentially according to the normal
frequency of her phone calls. Those statistics play an enormous role in psychic ability - especially in deciphering and eliminating what is NOT probable.
What I find fascinating is the inexplicable element of psychic ability that makes your mom call you at the exact moment you need her most....When you trust your gut about something that you don't really want to trust your gut about - and it turns out you're right...When your flash-forward becomes your déjà vu....When your dreams become your reality...
I believe each and every one of us possess this power to some extent...and like most things, it is improved with practice.
So, how does one go about practicing psychic ability?
PSYCHIC: /ˈsīkik/
Relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena apparently inexplicable by natural laws, esp. involving telepathy or clairvoyance." - Google.com
Its etymological roots are in the greek word, "
psyche" which means Soul/Spirit/Mind and Breath which is essentially Life. Being psychic is as natural as breathing, it's happening constantly....but when you focus on it, that's when the magic happens. Omniscience and Acceptance - Becoming One with Everything. And Everything Begins and Ends with the Breath/Soul/Spirit/Mind....this connection is imperative to understanding how Psychic Ability works.
To begin to capture your moments of psychic power, realize that everything cycles, ebbs and flows, swings back and forth, and circles back around. Some days are more psychic than others, some weeks, months, seasons and years are more psychic than others, and some are less. Keep track of your psychic experiences and enjoy the ebb and flow of your abilities. Often, deficiency in one area begets proficiency in another; and vice-versa. Shall I go into the long list of clichés, lore, history and personal accounts that support this statement? How about this one:
Once I began to keep track of my own more profound psychic experiences, I was able to realize that my most effortless, powerful, potent, psychic moments occurred a few days before my period. From the mundane to the profane, I am omniscient just before I bleed.
Keeping track helps build trust in your abilities and gives you the unique chance to maximize those days or weeks that are most potent for you, and to truly enjoy the ebb; the darkness of not knowing....inevitably, something is stirring in that darkness that will soon come to light.
Quiet is imperative for learning to navigate the inner self - the connected self. When you pass through all the little millions of thoughts and feelings, memories, plans, hopes, fears - all these nameable things that are just layers upon layers of nouns, verbs, and adjectives that cover over the unnameable, you are able to reach the source of your feelings, the place that holds your memories, the spark that ignites the plan, the flame that fuels the hope, the lack that perpetuates your fears. Once you pass through those layers of noise, the quiet of your heart is able to be heard.
I'm not saying that the only key to success is to rise early every morning and have a personal quiet time, I am saying that my best days and weeks are the days and weeks I've chosen to have a personal quiet time at the beginning of my day....and my psychic ability shoots through the roof as a result.
And there's a beautiful stillness to the early morning...less frequencies to sift through....
Do I really need to say that we are inundated with noise these days? You know it, I know it; we're living in a noisy, busy, modern world, man....and ya gotta find some quiet if you're going to sort through all the excess buzz to get to the core of things unseen, unheard, and unknown.
If you double-take on a person or object, take note. If you feel an inclination to pray for someone, or even if a random person flashes across your
third-eye, take note. If you "get a feeling" about something - investigate! Follow up on your gut, your instinct, your sinking and soaring feelings.
You've got your entire ancestry tucked into your cells, think about your grandparents and great-grandparents and ask older family members about their psychic abilities. Your people have done centuries of work for you already, tap in and find your heritage!
Perhaps your psychic abilities are more concentrated on your family or friends, or even strangers. Maybe you see auras or detect danger or heal people from a distance without them knowing, maybe your dreams tell of a future near or far; whatever your ability, start to make the bigger connections from the seemingly unconnected world that surrounds it - remember, you get the information from somewhere, it's how well you're able to connect the dots that form the clear picture.
Not every single piece of information is available all at once. Sharpening your skills includes being wrong about something...in order to find out what you were right about...and where your feelings or imagination went off the course.
Perhaps you get the feeling your mom is about to call you and then your dad calls. Close! Consider the strength of your psychic cords with your dad, are they weaker than with your mom? You can easily reinforce and strengthen those connections by opening your mind and heart to the rhythm and frequency of your father, by asking him more questions about his day, or even just thinking of him more often throughout yours. Place a photo of the two of you together in a place where you'll see it every day. Next time your dad calls, you'll know it before it happens.
For me, Sugar is my Kryptonite. So is lack of sleep, anger, and falling out of habit with my personal practices...plus all the other things in our world that dumb down our psychic abilities.
If Psychic Connection is about tuning into frequencies and strength of signal, consider how many more frequencies we're dealing with these days than ever before; Seven Billion People on Earth, a good chunk with one or two or five personal mobile devices, radio, satellites, TV, Wi-Fi, iPad, Hi-Def, wii, microwave ovens, podcasts, refrigerators, remote controls....Sifting through all them-thar frequencies requires a bit of extra effort...is it any wonder we've such infantile adults and distracted, mindless children roaming our cities, suburbs and towns?
Figure out what blocks you from making the connections - is it the barrage of commercials bouncing around your dome? Is it the worry about paying your bills? Is it Fear of Knowing more than you already know? Only you know your own limitations and only you can eliminate those mental blocks.
What are your psychic abilities?
When are they most powerful?
When are they least powerful?